Senior Physics Challenge Day 5
Today was the last day of the Senior Physics Challenge, and now I'm writing this not at Newnham House, in Cambridge, but at home at my...
Senior Physics Challenge Day 4
Yesterday I didn't write up a blog post for day 4, because I had to pack up my things for today and that cut down the time I had to write...
Senior Physics Challenge Day 3
I have just finished my third day here at Cambridge, and my second day of actual work. And it is actual work, and I'll be reasonably...
Senior Physics Challenge Day 2
I'm writing this at quarter to eleven at night, so this is your fault dear reader, if I am late to breakfast at 8:15 tomorrow morning....
Senior Physics Challenge Day 1
Today was the first day of the Senior Physics Challenge hosted by Cambridge University and we didn't do too much today as it was more of...
The Principle of Stationary Action -Symmetry Lectures 2
The principle of stationary action is a very mathematical principle - it states that there is a quantity, known as the action, which is...
Maths Primer 1 - Symmetry Lectures 2
<intro> Lecture 2 introduced the concept of Lagrangian mechanics, which is an alternative formulation to Newton's mechanics. The rest of...
Symmetry in Physical Law - Symmetry Lectures 1
This is my write-up of the first lecture in a series that I mentioned yesterday. The first lecture was fairly brief and was more of an...
As Exams are (Almost) Over!
This might be a little late news for most of you, since technically As exams ended last Friday, but for those who take Further Maths As,...
Half Term Updates
I've had a few As exams by this point, and it's nice to have a break before the next onslaught. So far, I think biology and chemistry...