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Progress Report April 2015

Six months on from when I first did a progress report, I thought it might be a good idea to check in with some statistics.


So as you can see, I've now written way more notes than I (slight stole) borrowed from a now untrackable ex-TSR user. I'm not sure they'd have any copyright claim anyway, but just in case: the two pdf files on this site that are titled "AQA Unit 1" and "AQA Unit 2" are from user Msd27. He's credited on those pages as well, which is probably ridiculous.

Anyway, the bars labelled, A2P refer to those written solely by myself, not a total. The total number of pages of notes is 128, or 2^7. The notes split evenly into two piles of 64 (2^6), although it's evident that I've written more on unit 2 than unit 1, and Msd27 has taken the opposite approach. Personally, I'm still planning on writing what will possibly turn out to be up to 10 pages of notes on waves, so that will tip the balance fully over to Unit 2.

The total number of pages passed triple digits a while ago, but the number written by me is still at 88. I don't actually think I have 12 pages worth of material that I'm likely to write up any time soon (except for the waves stuff) so it's possible that my notes will remain in only double digits for As. At any rate, they're not going to approach textbook length (which is a good thing).

Actually, the length is getting pretty long at this point. I'd estimate that it might take a new reader 10 minutes to read a page, which puts the whole of this site at just over two hours of constant learning - not bad for an entire As. Of course, that would probably require As maths to keep up that pace of understanding, and without practice questions you'd never be able to remember most of the rules. Nevertheless, this site is rapidly becoming what I wish I had found in Year 11 - a good overview of As level physics at a level that (I think) is neither too steep a curve, nor too vague to get by AQA examiners. And it's only going to grow.

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