The physics of rock climbing
I recently uploaded two documents to the mechanics, materials and waves section which are questions and answers on rock climbing. The questions are intended to be difficult, give them a good try, but don't worry if you feel lost in any way. I've tried to phrase everything relatively rigorously and in the same style as e.g. a Physics Challenge Paper.
The questions (hopefully) cover every possible topic in AQA unit 1 except for moments and waves. I don't have time to try to write as creative a question on this topic, and I'm aware that at the moment I don't have questions on either, and don't even have notes on waves! In all honesty, this is only partially due to a lack of effort and is more due to the fact that writing questions is not that interesting when you don't have time to be creative. The rock climbing questions were fun to write, but they were tedious to then go through and work out sensible figures that worked. For reference, the rope in the question is stated to have a Young's modulus of 1.25 GPa, which is fairly close to an internet source value of 2GPa for dynamic rope- I suspect the discrepency is due to the fact that a strain of 0.2 is unlikely in the scenario I drew up. A lower strain would make the maths more fiddly though.
I aknowledge that the mark scheme is currently not very readable. I don't intend to fix that unless I get complaints, at present I have no reason to believe that anyone reads this website.
That's all for this post, I intend to be more active in the coming weeks hopefully. Until then.